Take advantage of a comprehensive range of single and multi-gas detectors that are available with pumps covering gases like:
O2, LEL, CO, H2S, HCN, NH3, PID (VOC), SO2, I-R CO2 & I-R CH4.
Docking stations for each type are also available to ensure optimum performance onsite.
Our instruments cover a variety of other tasks including:
Testo 340 Emissions Analyser
Perfect for underground regulatory testing of your diesel fleet
and general stock analysis.
Spectrex Flame Simulators
For fast and easy calibration of UV and IR flame detectors, no more
setting up scaffolding or climbing up ladders, just point and shoot!
FLIR Airtec Personal DPM analyser
Keep up with the industry leaders at a fraction of the cost by being proactive with your diesel particulate management program!
Contact our friendly staff here to see how we can help you!