The Panther Gas Leak Detector utilises a micro thermal conductivity sensor which offers fast and sensitive detection for many gases. ... Read More


    It’s simple to operate! Start by setting the Red LED and the audible ‘tick-rate’ to a background gas level. As the gas concentration from a leak increases so does the frequency of the flashes and ‘tick-rate’. ... Read More

    SF6 Leakmate

    Not only is it easy to use and maintain, the processor controlled instrument also features both an audible alarm and LED bar graph display, letting you know if any leak, small medium or large, has been detected. ... Read More

    SF6 LeakCheck P1:P

    SF6 LeakCheck P1:p is a revolution in SF6 leak detection, ensuring incredibly fast searching at ultra sensitive levels. Even the smallest of leaks can be detected and located swiftly with a minimum detection level of 1 x 10­-7 ml/sec... Read More