Wager 6500 Smoke Meter
The Model 6500 smoke opacity meter provides a simple and accurate means of detecting and measuring the opacity of smoke being emitted by a diesel engine . It encourages proper maintenance for improved fuel economy and protection of the environment.
List of Benefits
- Stores up to 100 tests.
- Designed for simplicity, por tability and consistant reliability.
- Accurate to within 1% of readings in both ar tificial and direct lighting.
- Optional sensor styles to suit any application. In-line systems are available .
- Custom designed circuitr y assures high reliability without noise interference , or fluctuations in ambient temperatures.
- Allows for testing in both a "snap -idle" mode , or "follow mode". Both tests can be performed in either raw or filtered data.
- Available with full flow or par tial flow sensor head. Both sensor heads use the same transmitter and receiver, and can be easily interchanged. Expanded yokes allow for readings up to 24" stacks.
GasTech Wager 6500 Smoke Meter Brochure.pdf 421.56 KB
Manual - Current versions
GasTech Wager 6500 Smoke Meter Manual.pdf 6.01 MB
GasTech Wager 6500 Smoke Meter Brochure.pdf 421.56 KB
Manual - Current versions
GasTech Wager 6500 Smoke Meter Manual.pdf 6.01 MB