Testo 335 (Discontinued)
*Although these products are no longer available for sale, they are still being supported by Technical Services and Support.
testo 335 
testo 335 is the new generation flue gas analyzer, specially tailored to industrial applications' requirements.
testo 335 can be used for all emission monitoring applications by the operators of industrial furnaces such as processing and power plants, by service technicians for burner/furnace manufacturers, for plant construction as well as for stationary motors. Even spot measurements for up to 2 hours are possible.
- Two toxic sensors freely selectable - CO, COlow, NO, NOlow, NO2, SO2
- Two different measurement range extensions - To continue measurement despite high CO concentrations
- Standard: Single dilution Slot 2 (CO, NO2, SO2) with dilution factor 5
- Option: Dilution for all sensors with dilution factor 2
- Option: Parallel ΔP or m/s measurement for flue gas analysis – Simultaneous, convenient flow or mass flow measurement
- Powerful, automatically controlled diaphragm pump - Benefits:
- Constant pump flow over a wide negative or positive pressure range (-200 to +50 hPa)
- Gas sampling hose up to max. 7.8 m long (corresponds to two hose extensions, each 2.8 m)
- 18 s standard f fuels a and a an additional 1 10 u user-d defined f fuels
- Fuel data is calculated using the new “easyEmission” software
- Industrial p probes w with a a n new probe p preliminary f filter Up to max. 1000 °C
- Graphic r representation o of sensor c calibration d data
- Calculated flue gas dewpoint parameter
- Logger function - Records data in analyser for up to 2 hours
- Initialisation of gas sensors without removing probe from flue
- Accuracy approved for O2, CO2, CO, NO, NOlow, °C, hPa to EN Standard 50379 Part 2
- Bluetooth wireless transfer (optional)